Apros User Group seminar scheduled for September 9-10, 2020, is postponed to year 2021 due to the global COVID-19 situation and the related travel restrictions. Instead of a user group seminar, we will arrange a webinar on September 9, 2020, where new features of the upcoming Apros 6.10 release and some new application experiences are presented. Detailed schedule, program and instructions how to join the webinar will be provided via Apros newsletter closer to the event.
Apros 6.10 release is planned for the beginning of September, 2020, so the webinar is a good opportunity to hear of the latest possibilities with Apros simulation.
We plan to also continue the tradition of Apros User Group seminars with a face-to-face meeting in 2021. We are very much looking forward to the enjoyable social gathering with interesting technical content when it is again safe and feasible to organize bigger events. The date for this seminar will be announced later.