New version Apros 6.12 is now released and available. Please contact your distributor to receive the new version. Some of the most significant new features and improvements are listed below. For a complete list of changes, please see the release notes in Apros 6.12 documentation.
New features of Apros 6.12:
- New process component: Surface condenser. New process component to more accurately model turbine exhaust steam condenser has been added. The new component is more detailed and accurate for the specific application than the existing simpler and more generic CONDENSER module.

- New feature: Dimensioning tool for valves. Apros dimensioning tool has been extended with valve dimensioning feature. It allows easy configuration of the three main activity curves of the ISA_VALVE component – Kv/Cv curve, liquid pressure recovery factor curve (FL) and critical pressure drop ratio curve (xT). The dimensioning is based on valve catalogues.
- Pipeline: Many improvements have been done to the Pipeline component. Most importantly:

- Nuclear version: Many improvements to the advanced vertical steam generator module. The improvements allow more detailed and accurate nodalization and configuration of vertical steam generator module. Additionally, a new vertical steam generator modelling guide is included in the documentation. The guide gives detailed instructions on the steam generator modelling.
- Nuclear version: Many improvements to the horizontal steam generator module. The improvements allow more detailed and accurate nodalization and configuration of vertical steam generator module.
- New CFB gasifier related reactions and kinetics have been added.
- Power to Gas demo model. A new example and demonstration model has been added to the setup. The model demonstrates the modelling of a power to gas process in Apros. It consists of simple models of CO2 capture, Alkaline electrolyser, storage tanks of H2, CO2 and O2, methanation reactor and cooling systems.